Drug Court in Hernando County, Florida
If you are charged with possession of a controlled substance or another related drug crime in Hernando County, then you might be eligible to resolve the case in drug court. Not everyone qualifies. Even if you are qualified, drug court may not be the best way to resolve your charges. For individuals with a serious substance abuse problem, drug court is often beneficial in helping a person receive the help they need.
In Hernando County, drug court is a court-supervised treatment program. To enter the program, the person must enter a guilty or no contest to the crime. Before the case is resolved, the person must undergo intensive treatment and continue to appear regularly before the Court in Brooksville, FL, to ensure that he or she is in compliance with the special conditions of the program.
Drug Court Lawyer in Brooksville, Florida
Depending on the facts of your case, drug court may not be the best option. In fact, opting into drug court and then not successfully completing the program can result in harsh penalties. For individuals that have serious substance abuse problems and want drug treatment, drug court can be extremely beneficial. If you are interested in learning more about drug court in Brooksville, Hernando County, FL, then contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at The Law Office of Ashley Aulls, P.A. to discuss your case.
Drug Court Information in Florida
- Requirements of Drug Court in Hernando
- Types of Felony Criminal Charges Accepted in Drug Court
- Information Center for Drug Court
- Finding an Attorney for Drug Court in Hernando County, Florida
Requirements of Drug Court in Hernando County
The person is also required to submit to random drug testing and counseling. The drug court program in Hernando County takes at least 12 months to complete although in many of these cases it takes much longer. The benefit of entering drug court is that at the end of the case if the person complies with the program then the charges can be dismissed.
PHASE I lasts for at least 8 weeks and requires:
- attending an orientation session with a psychosocial assessment to complete an initial treatment plan;
- attending weekly court status hearings;
- attending individual and/or group therapy sessions three times per week;
- attending Substance Abuse Peer Support Group meetings three times per week;
- submitting to urine testing two to three times each week on a random basis;
- passing twelve consecutive clean urine tests (or four consecutive weeks); and
- completing a Home Group/Sponsor form with sponsor verification by the treatment provider.
PHASE II lasts for at least 22 weeks and requires:
- participating in individual and/or group therapy sessions twice each week;
- attending Substance Abuse Peer Support Group meetings three times per week;
- submitting to random urine testing once or twice a week;
- reporting for your status hearings every two weeks;
- completing an education assessment;
- passing eight consecutive weeks of clean urine tests;
- following all program requirements, and
- being current on your financial obligations.
PHASE III lasts for at least 22 weeks and requires:
- continuing to participate in individual and/or group counseling depending on the requirements of the treatment plan;
- attending Substance Abuse Peer Support Group meetings three times per week;
- submit to random urine testing;
- report for your monthly court status hearings;
- pass sixteen consecutive weeks of clean urine tests; and
- be current on your financial obligations.
AFTERCARE lasts up to 26 weeks and generally requires:
- attending two group sessions per month depending on the requirements of the treatment plan;
- attending three Substance Abuse Peer Support Group meetings per week;
- submitting to random urine testing;
- reporting to Probation, as directed;
- developing an Aftercare/Life Plan;
- participating in three Community Service Events
- passing six consecutive months with no dirty, unexcused, missed or diluted urine screens; and
- meeting all financial obligations before eligible for graduation.
Types of Felony Criminal Charges Accepted in Drug Court
Many serious felony charges are not generally accepted into drug court. Those types of charges include trafficking in drugs, battery on a law enforcement officer, any felony charge involving a weapon or firearm, and charges scoring mandatory prison time. Other charges are not acceptable without the consent of the State Attorney’s office including the sale of illegal drugs, domestic violence charges, burglary of a dwelling, Some charges such as a current DUI are not accepted without the existence of a companion drug-related charge.
If you are charged with any of the following types of charges, then those charges are generally accepted into the Drug Court, although other eligibility criteria must be met:
- Controlled Substance Charges
- Possession of controlled substance;
- Purchase of controlled substance;
- Conspiracy to purchase controlled substance;
- Solicitation of purchase controlled substance;
- Attempt to purchase controlled substance;
- Possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute is acceptable only on a case-by-case basis.
- Prescription Drug Charges
- Obtaining a Prescription Drug by Fraud;
- Utter fraudulent prescription;
- Altering a prescription;
- Utter forged prescription;
- Attempt to obtain prescription by fraud;
- Conspiracy to obtain prescription by fraud;
- Solicitation to obtain prescription by fraud;
- Felony Theft Charges
- Shoplifting (if for drug related offenses);
- Grand Larceny (if drug related);
- Burglary of a Structure (if drug related);
- Miscellaneous Felony Charges
- Prostitution (for drug related offenses);
- Violation of Probation (drug related; ONLY on case-by-case basis with consent of State Attorney);
- Aggravated Assault or Aggravated Battery (ONLY on cases-by-case basis with permission of State Attorney’s Office, the alleged victim, or the Victim Advocate).
Information Center for Drug Court
Hernando County Drug Court – Find more information about the drug treatment court in Hernando County, FL, from the website for Don Barbee, Jr., Clerk of Court & Comptroller.
ALTERNATIVE COURTS COORDINATOR for the Hernando County Drug Court Program 20 North Main Street – Room 242 Brooksville, FL 34601 (352) 540-6279Information on Hernando County’s Adult Drug Court – Read more information about the adult drug court program in Brooksville, Hernando County, on the website for the First Judicial Circuit in and for Hernando County. Find information on the application, participation agreement, and a brochure prepared by the court.
Finding an Attorney for Drug Court in Hernando County, Florida
If you are charged with a drug offense such as possession of a controlled substance, then contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at The Law Office of Ashley Aulls, P.A.. Call us today at (352) 593-4115 to discuss your pending drug charges in Brooksville in Hernando County, Inverness in Citrus County, New Port Richey or Dade City in Pasco County, Bushnell in Sumter County, Florida.